Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Resource Box

The last detail you'll consider for your article will be your resource box. Your resource box is the little paragraph at the end of your article that tells the reader a little about you and how to contact you. It should always include a link to your website.
Always. You want your readers to be able to find you if they desire more information and you want the search engines to see you as an authority through that back link, remember?

Key point: In your resource box, you don't always have to use the same link back to your website's homepage. In fact, you will likely have greater success by linking to the page on your site most closely related to your article's topic. This moves visitors from the article directly to their topic of interest. (For example, if a web design company also offers web hosting, their article "How to pick the best web host" should link back to the page on their website that describes their web hosting services.)

Step 3: Launch!

There! You have produced a shiny little gem of literary brilliance. Now it is time to set it free.

1. Place it on your blog (if you have one and if it fits appropriately).

2. Share it with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and your other social media outlets. You can post it over and over by hand or use tools like PingFM to automate this process.

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